UN and Council of Europe Work

Empowering Minorities
on the International Stage

At the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), we are proud to have consultative status with the United Nations (UN) Economic and Social Council and to be active members of the Council of Europe. This status allows us to bring the voices of minorities to the international stage and advocate for their rights.

Work with the best


Our UN Work

Through our consultative status with the UN, we have the opportunity to submit written and oral statements to the Human Rights Council in Geneva. These statements report on the situation of minorities in various countries and address human rights issues. We also organize and participate in side events parallel to the official program of the Human Rights Council, where we empower representatives of indigenous peoples and ethnic/religious minorities to address UN bodies.

Our UN work extends beyond the Human Rights Council, as we attend other UN events like the World Climate Summit and UN Women’s Conference. At these events, we engage in dialogue with diplomats and other non-governmental organizations to exchange ideas and advocate for the rights of minorities.

Our Council of Europe Work

As active members of the Council of Europe, we participate in the annual session of the Parliamentary Assembly. Here, we advocate for the rights of minorities and draw attention to human rights violations. We also engage in dialogue with other NGOs and parliamentarians to exchange ideas and collaborate on joint initiatives.
Making an Impact

Our UN and Council of Europe work is not without its challenges. States that we frequently criticize try to force us and other non-governmental organizations out of these international bodies. However, this only confirms the impact of our human rights work and motivates us to continue advocating for the rights of minorities on the international stage.

Our International work


Join Our Network For

Human Rights Advocacy

Be a part of the STP’s efforts to promote and protect human rights worldwide. Through our network, we submit statements on human rights issues and give minorities a voice.

our written UN statements

25 In Average per Year
Most Popular

Speaking out at over

900 Side events